

Waxing and sharpening for competition, a Ski Center specialty

Posted on 31/01/2019 , updated on 16/09/2022

Sharpening (ski or snow) for competition: €12

In competition, the preparation of the equipment is a sinequanone condition for performance. In this area, there are several ways to proceed. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of the different techniques:

By hand: The “old school” method

Knowing how to maintain your equipment in order to understand how it works, being able to act yourself to deal with a change in conditions at the last minute and above all being autonomous in the practice of the activity in general. At a certain level, the competitor must be able to extend his sliding skills to those of the equipment preparer. This is all the more true since 100% manual equipment is rather inexpensive.

It is a method that requires real know-how and should be taught. Improper use of tools can affect the proper functioning of the equipment, or even damage it irreparably. In some cases, protective equipment is essential to avoid injuries, cuts, burns, etc...

This technique tends to become marginalized with the appearance of more and more advanced machines. It allows a gain in precision and wear of the equipment. Indeed, the more you sharpen, the more you reduce the thickness of your edges. And the more the thickness is reduced, the more they become fragile.

At the machine: The current method

At Ski Center, we opted for the Vola Carrot machine. It allows edge-side sharpening of the ski with a high-precision ceramic stone. The sharpening angles are variable on request depending on the level and practice from 87° to 90°.

Waxing (ski or snow) for competition: on estimate

At Ski Center, we provide waxing services for competitions (on estimate): fluorinated or non-fluorinated base + light brushed waxing depending on snow conditions.

This work is carried out in the evening for drying reasons. We therefore ask you to bring it to the store in the evening in order to pick it up the next morning.

See you soon on the slalom stadium :-)
The Ski Center team




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